Committees and Panels

The ATS sector oversees a number of committees and panels dedicated to ensuring the safe and efficient operation of CERN's accelerator complex and its associated experiment facilities. They are made up of experts from various fields who provide advice, recommendations, and oversight on a wide range of managerial and technical matters.



Departmental News Letters


Submission of Accelerators and Technology publications in CDS (CERN Document Server)

Before submitting an Accelerators and Technology publication in CDS, please check with the main author if the following elements are properly prepared and listed:  ​

  • the publication is drafted with the WORD template for reports​​ (preprint, conference paper, journal publication) and notes​ or with the LaTex templates. Please note that the publication may also be a poster or a presentation for which there is no template;
  • the keywords list clearly indicates the pre-defined keywords, and some free keywords when applicable.

The responsibility of the content and the approval procedure depend on the type of publication:

  • for Accelerators and Technology reports, it is with the department head (DH) of the main author. The approval of the DH is required.
  • for Accelerators and Technology project reports, it is with the project leader and sometimes with the department head of the main author. The approvals of the project leader and DH are both required.
  • for Accelerators and Technology notes and project notes, it is with the author. The approval of the group leader of the main author is required.

Once the necessary approvals are obtained, please start the submission procedure in CDS:

For reports, slides and posters, please use the CERN Preprints Automatic Numbering portal and select Accelerators and Technology reports.

For notes (including regular notes "NONE", machine development notes "MD", performance notes "PERF", technical notes "TECH", press articles or cuttings "PRESS", project newsletters "NEWS", brochures and flyers "BROCHURE"), please use the Departmental Notes portal and select Accelerators and Technology notes.

You will be asked to select at least one of the main categories related to the publication and one sub-category when applicable. Please use the pre-defined keywords list prepared by the author.

Further down, you will be requested to choose the subject category. Please always indicate "Accelerators and Storage Rings". Upon request of the author, you may select an optional category in the second field.

There is also a field for free keywords. Please enter the free keywords indicated by the author when applicable. Do not repeat the pre-defined keywords!

An automatic record number will be attributed to the publication at the end of the submission procedure. Please copy this reference onto the source file and convert your document to PDF. Your file is now ready to be transferred.

For EU funded projects​, for which CERN is the coordinator, publications shall be submitted through the EU Documents submission portal​ or the new ZENODO platform.

For other EU funded projects (for which CERN is not the coordinator but a partner), CERN authors shall use the Accelerators and Technology submission portals (see above) and indicate the appropriate EU funded project keyword.

For the FCC project (including EuroCirCol and Easitrain), publications shall be submitted through the FCC submission portal.